Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Fitting Room

Ahhh…the dreaded fitting room...you know, the place where you step into and pray that something miraculous happens before you try that way cute outfit on. Or you drag yourself or have a friend drag you into trying something on with no expectation of ANYTHING fitting. But the good news is that it’s usually all about the lighting and the mirrors, right? I can’t possibly look like this, this lighting is too harsh, and don’t mirrors put on 10 lbs? Or wait is that cameras?  

The fitting room...the place where reality and expectation meet! Because in reality you’re not that person in the mirror...lighting and mirrors are all about enhancement or distortion.  You’re in the fitting room because you’re being “fitted” for the next season in your life. Lighting and mirrors are the way our culture wants us to view ourselves. Thanks be to God, He is our mirror..what we should look like..and covers us with His Love and Grace. We are being fitted for His Purpose and Design. It just takes a little longer than what we expect! Being fitted is not the most exciting process, it’s a sometimes boring, difficult, uncomfortable, irritating, exasperating, and exhausting process! It's a period of waiting on God and wondering if He's forgotten us. He hasn't forgotten us. Thank God, He loves us enough to change us! I know for me the process takes longer because I can't seem to be still and let Him "fit" me!  I'm squirming around, asking questions, second-guessing Him and then wondering why He's taking so long!  2 Th.1:11...We pray for you all the time--pray that our God will make you FIT for what He's called you to be, pray that He'll fill  your good ideas and acts of faith with His own energy so that it all amounts to something.MSG  The NIV reads, "We constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. Isn't that good? Okay so the next thing I usually do is go to the dictionary for the definition.."fit"- be suited to; be properly adjusted to; arrange, adjust, well-suited, worthy, qualified, proper, becoming, ready! That will all preach! So normally I would then go to a commentary, but instead go back to the Word for more "fitting". Remember, for the fitting to be accurate, you must stand still..not move before He's finished and trust that He knows what "fits" you. It may feel too tight and confining in some areas and too lengthy or too short in other ways. God may be fitting you for a mantle that will at first feel uncomfortable. It may take adjusting and even sacrificing on your part. Because it is new and and unfamiliar, it may not feel like a fit. That's the moment of surrender when you know you can either humbly lean and bow into the mantle or just stay in the same comfortable clothes! He knows what season you're going into and what you'll need to be equipped. Trust Him. Fitting is becoming!  Part 2 "Fitting is Freedom" coming soon..

Okay my first blog...Have been slow to start..my kids always laugh at me typing... can think much faster than I can express ....hey I'm being fitted! Much love..Be encouraged...Janna


Bill Speight said...

Great Great Great !!
Keep Going !!

Bill Speight

Unknown said...

I need the next one! Get to it! ;-)

Sharon L. Mills Hamilton said...

Great Thought! Thank God we can look into the mirror of His Word...and become the expressed image of His dear son!!!